Saturday, September 21, 8:30am—4:00pm
Emmanuel Community United Methodist Church
N84W16707 Menomonee Avenue
Menomonee Falls
Explore how grandparents can support their grandkids’ growth in faith and faithfulness.
Keynote addresses include: Creating a Tapestry: The Holy Work of Grandparenting (Rev. Tanya Campen, PhD., Rio Texas UMC Conference) and Christian Grandparents: More Important than Ever! (Pam Olsen, Parenting with Love & Logic Facilitator, Educator and Coach).
Enjoy a panel discussion with grandparents and parents along with breakout sessions on The Lasting Legacy of Children’s Literature, The Pluses and Minuses of Social Media and Grandparents and United Methodist Camping.
REGISTER or through one of the sponsoring congregations: Gethsemane UMC, UMC of Whitefish Bay, Community UMC Elm Grove.
Cost is $30 (individual) or $50 (couples) which includes lunch.
Put this date on your calendars and follow the Facebook page:
Your grandchildren need you on their team to strengthen their faith and model a Christian lifestyle. Here’s your chance for encouragement, energy and ideas from a talented Christian Educator and other grandparents.