Gethsemane’s Mission Committee sponsors and offers opportunities, both hands on and monetary, to the congregation to provide meaningful outreach beyond the walls of our church building.
Special giving to promoting Agricultural Missions and Missionaries around the world
Supporting Family Promise of Waukesha County
Offerings taken for six United Methodist Special Sundays
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) offerings as needs arise
Join in mission with our five United Methodist churches that make up our local circuit
Working in conjunction with the Pewaukee School District Backpack Buddies program and supporting the Pewaukee Food Pantry
Continued support with Northcott Neighborhood House in Milwaukee, United Methodist Children’s Services in Milwaukee and Harbor House in Superior, Wisconsin
Offer opportunities for alternative Christmas giving in the month of July
Provide and serve the needs of Hope Center in Waukesha and Summerfield United Methodist Church in Milwaukee
Provide volunteers and communicate needs for ERAs (formerly Interfaith)
Support Soles for Jesus Organization, Hebron House, Salvation Army and Global Aids Fund
Sponsoring Partner for Healing Hearts of Wisconsin
Provide opportunities for local, national, and international mission work
Educate and inform the congregation about missions through the church newsletter, website and Sunday bulletins