What is the Upper Room (Attic)?
The Upper Room (Attic) is GUMC’s new youth ministry space located above the sanctuary. GUMC has crafted this space to reflect the focus and excitement we have for youth ministry. It is designed to be comfortable, welcoming and a perfect environment for youth ministry. Unless otherwise stated, all youth ministry events at GUMC will take place in the Attic.
Jr. High Youth Ministry
GUMC’s Jr. High Youth Group (6th-8th grade) will be meeting a few times in summer and regularly throughout the fall. The ministry will be focusing on building a community of believers in GUMC. Our Jr. High Ministry is always open, so youth can bring friends to all of our youth events. Questions about the Jr. High Youth Group, or interested in helping lead this ministry?
Sr. High Youth Ministry
GUMC’s Sr. High Youth Group (9th-12th grade) will be meeting a few times in summer and regularly throughout the fall. The ministry will be planning retreats and an annual mission trip. Our Sr. High Ministry is always open, so youth can bring friends to all of our youth events. Questions about the Sr. High Youth Group, or interested in helping lead this ministry?
YOUTH coordinator
We are in search of the Coordinator. If interested in, please contact to the church office - GethsemaneUMC@GethsemaneUMC.net
We support our Youth continue to college education through Gethsemane Scholarship Fund.