Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15

What is it we really want? Is it to be fully alive on the inside? Flourishing in our lives never happens when we are looking out for ourselves. The truth is those who flourish always bring blessings to others.

Join us this Sunday and see how God has made each of us to flourish and what that means.

Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15

Luke 17:11-19

Our reading this week is Luke 17:11-19. The familiar story of the ten lepers healed and only one comes back to Jesus in praise.

A couple of questions: 1. What do you think they were expecting from Jesus? 2. Do you expect healing? 3. Do you expect comfort? 4. Do you expect an answer?

This story of the ten lepers is a great image of our faith journey, and what it means to be a Christian. The journey of faith often comes with three essential steps.

Join us as we investigate the path to fulfillment in Christ.

Luke 16:19-31

This week’s Scripture is the familiar story from Luke 16:19-31 of the rich individual and poor Lazarus sitting at the gate. There are three things we will look at from the story. The first is the responsibility we are to have for one another. Another is that in this story judgement is a very real part of the Gospel message and we need more mission - consciousness at many levels. The abundant life which only Christ can give, he gives to those who walk in his footsteps. See you Sunday.

1 Timothy 2:1-7

This Sunday we will be looking at how Paul urges Timothy to preserve his prayer language. Paul’s concern was with the language and content of Christian prayer. We will look at when we say a prayer, we should . . .

The issue was of such importance to Paul that he made it the first pastoral issue on his list of leadership “musts” for Timothy, his young successor.

1 Timothy 2:1-7

Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

Join us this Sunday as we look at the familiar story known as the Prodigal Son. We often romanticize the story as the wayward son returns home to the open arms of his father who represents God. And then there is the resentful older brother who cannot open his heart to his returning brother,

It’s easy to gloss over the loss in wayward son’s restoration. We will take a closer look and what that loss to the prodigal son actually cost.

See you Sunday!

My Bad

History teaches us that minor mistakes can get out of control and destroy us, unless we see our secret faults and seek forgiveness. This week Jesus tells the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, addressing it to people who feel self-righteous, and regard others with contempt. Luke 18:9

The tax collector restores his relationship with God by asking forgiveness, while the Pharisee moves farther away by boasting of his righteousness.

So, what are the mistakes we sometimes make without knowing it? Join us this Sunday as we look at some of the things that can really come back and bite us and what we can do about them.

Use Your Head as Well as Your Heart

In our scripture this week from Luke 14:25-33 Jesus seems to feel some people don’t think things out too well. In other words Jesus was saying, “Before you do something stupid, sit down and think through the consequences of your actions.” As professing Christians the conduct of our lives is very important. By thinking through what we say or do before we act can save of lot of embarrassment and heartache.

This week we will look at the things that really matter. Just how is our relationship with God? Are we able to really understand the cost of discipleship?

Join us this Sunday.

A Theology of Clean

This week’s reading is from the prophet Isaiah. The problem appears to be the sin of being religious without being righteous. There may be a need for cleaning within each of us. And not with the soap in our sinks but a spiritual soap.

Please join us Sunday as we ask the question “Just how clean am I?”

Awkward Moments

We all have awkward moments in our lives. Waving at someone you think you know but actually don’t. Holding the door for someone far away and forcing them to run over. Sending a text or email to the wrong person. In our Scripture this week (Luke 12:49-56) Jesus creates an awkward moment for the disciples. This Sunday, join us as we ask the question, “That awkward moment when Jesus asks you to . . . ?”

Find the Time to Sit at Jesus’ Feet

Sunday’s reflection is from Luke 10:38-42 which is the familiar story of Mary and Martha. It reminds us that Martha believed she was doing what was right in response to Jesus’ visit. We cannot just ignore all those things that need to be done when guests come into your home. Martha was doing her best to provide for their needs and should be commended for it. But rather than being a happy moment it turns into a bad moment for Martha.

In the frantic lives we live perhaps the best thing would be to stop rushing and start resting more in Jesus. Stop moving and start meditating. It is very easy to get out of focus. We should of course, take our responsibilities seriously but not to the point where we neglect listening what Jesus has to say to us. Unless we focus on Jesus, we will always start focusing on something else.

This week may we pray that we are able to find the time to sit at Jesus’ feet. And a good place to start is in worship.

See you Sunday!